Sheraton Gunter Hotel (Downtown San Antonio)
1837, travelers and visitors to San Antonio have often found one of the nicest
and most convenient hotels in the city to be located at a particular corner
about a hundred yards from the bank of the river. Over the years, this
establishment has had many different names, occupied successively larger and
more elaborate buildings, been controlled by the armies of four nations, and
collectively contributed to a fascinating and colorful history. One of those
colors, however, has been that of blood, and gruesome events that have occurred
at the hotel are among the things that have led to it becoming a reputed venue
for hauntings and paranormal activity."
That is the opening paragraph of my chapter on the Sheraton Gunter Hotel for Ghosthunting San Antonio, Austin, and Texas Hill Country! Below left is bluesman Robert Johnson, who is said to have made a pact with the devil for musical ability and who recorded an album at the hotel in 1936. Below right is Walter Emerich, who shot, dismembered, and ran a prostitute through a meat grinder in a room at the Gunter Hotel in 1965.
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