their centuries of existence, what are now collectively known as the San
Antonio missions were the starting points of quests north and west in search of
gold and souls, locations of raids and battles, places of births and deaths.
They were crucibles of human emotion, those of fervent proselytes spreading the
word of God, native peoples being stripped of their own cultures and faiths,
greedy and bloodthirsty fortune hunters, and those who fell in battle at their
gates or succumbed to disease within their walls. All were also established in
an abundant area that had been occupied by ancient peoples since time
immemorial and used by them for hunting and gathering. It should thus not be
surprising that these missions are widely considered to be haunted and that
people have reported every sort of paranormal phenomena at them, including
everything from anomalies in photographs and recordings to apparitions of
conquistadores, monks, Indians, settlers, and soldiers."
Those are two of the opening paragraphs of my chapter on the San Antonio Missions for Ghosthunting San Antonio, Austin, and Texas Hill Country! It covers the mundane and supernatural histories of the earliest settlements in what is now the city of San Antonio is comprises the biggest chapter in the book.
Those are two of the opening paragraphs of my chapter on the San Antonio Missions for Ghosthunting San Antonio, Austin, and Texas Hill Country! It covers the mundane and supernatural histories of the earliest settlements in what is now the city of San Antonio is comprises the biggest chapter in the book.
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